
There’s no denying that the environment in Alberta (and across the world) has changed. Our growing season is shorter and the amount of snow and rain has drastically shifted.

To adapt and grow in these changing times, we’ve adjusted our approach. We believe in lessening the impact we have on the environment without compromising style and beauty. We specialize in creating landscapes that are eco-friendly and sustainable but also meet the same level of design that we’re known for.

For clients looking to lessen their footprint, we recommend three key features in their backyard spaces

Water Capture and Storage

Capturing rainwater for reuse in watering plants is one of the easiest and most impactful ways to lessen your environmental impact. We create efficient and subtle water capture vessels that look nothing like the stereotypical plastic rain barrels.

Low Impact Landscapes

We consciously design landscapes so that rainwater ends up where it’s supposed to: in the ground. By ensuring none of our paving or stonework is diverting the natural water flow, we prevent storm drain overflow in your neighbourhood.


Our deep knowledge of plants allows us to create landscapes that are easy to maintain and are naturally self-sufficient. By choosing the right trees,bushes, and other greenery for your space, we’re reducing your water usage and contributing to the local ecosystem rather than fighting against it.